Alumni Career Information

Career and Job Search Advising Appointments / Career Assessment
Alumni are welcome to schedule an appointment with a member of the Career Connections team. We can discuss career transitions, job search tips, resume and cover letter reviews, etc. For a fee, alumni can also take the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and/or the Strong Interest Inventory to help explore various career options. Call Career Connections at 319-352-8260 to schedule an appointment.

Career Fairs
All of the Career Fairs sponsored by Career Connections are open to alumni.

Hire-A-Knight:  Online Job Listings
Employers interested in hiring Wartburg students and alumni post positions on Handshake, our online job and internship database, on a daily basis. Accessing the job listings as an alum is free and easy. Click here for information on how to create your Handshake account.

Graduate and Professional School Advising Appointments
Career Connections team members are available to advise alumni on many aspects of applying to graduate and professional programs including applications, admissions requirements, and essays.

LinkedIn Group
The Alumni Office and Career Connections co-manage the 2000+ member group called the Wartburg College Network on LinkedIn.  This group is designed to connect you with Wartburg College alumni and friends of the college. 

Transcript Requests
To request an official transcript, please complete the transcript request from the Registrar’s website. For more information, call (319) 352-8272.